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How to complete your ECT induction

If you are an Early Career Teacher (ECT) yet to complete your induction, our simple guide will tell you everything you need to know about the induction period.

What does ECT induction mean?

As of September 2021, all ECTs in England are required to complete an extended induction period. This includes a structured training and support programme aligned with the Early Career Framework (ECF), guidance from a dedicated induction tutor and mentor, and additional time off to assist you during the early stages of your teaching career. Throughout your induction, there will be regular progress reviews, with two formal assessments set against the teachers’ standards. Once you have successfully completed this induction, you’ll be able to teach without restrictions in all state-maintained schools and settings.

How long does it take?

The ECT induction can be completed over two years (or the equivalent of six terms if you are working part-time).

Can you complete your ECT working on supply?

Yes! Long-term supply contracts will count towards your induction. Working on supply provides a great opportunity to gain experience across a range of different schools before deciding where to work permanently. And very often, excelling in a school can lead to permanent job offers.

Getting started

Before you start, the school will register you with the appropriate body (AB) that is responsible for validating the completion of your induction. If you change schools during your induction, the AB may change. If this is the case, ensure that your new school has registered you appropriately.

Year one

You will be assigned both an induction tutor and a mentor who’ll meet with you regularly to discuss your progress. Your mentor will offer you plenty of guidance and support, along with informal assessments so you know exactly how you are progressing. The induction tutor, on the other hand, oversees the overall induction process, ensuring that the necessary paperwork and procedures related to induction are completed correctly and on time. In this first year, you can also expect 10% extra non-contact time, in addition to PPA time, allocated for ECT-specific continuous professional development (CPD). Your first formal assessment will be conducted at the end of term three.

Year two

In your second year, your mentor will continue to support you, providing developmental advice and conducting informal assessments, although you may meet a little less often as you gain experience. You can still expect additional non-contact time, but this is reduced from 10% to 5% extra. Then your ECT induction will conclude at the end of term six with your last formal assessment.

Support and guidance

While this next step on your teaching journey is undoubtedly exhilarating, it can also be demanding and stressful as you navigate through the profession. It’s important to recognise that everything doesn’t always go according to plan and that’s ok. There are plenty of places to seek support, should you need it. Some avenues include:

  • friends and family
  • colleagues at your school
  • your induction tutor and mentor
  • your union and their website
  • dedicated blogs and resources for ECTs, such as Twinkl
  • remember, your Smart Teachers consultant is always available to provide support

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