Safeguarding | Smart Teachers
UAT Enviroment

About our safeguarding & vetting checks

All our supply staff are fully vetted through our rigorous safeguarding and interview processes, and their continued suitability is closely monitored by our central Safeguarding team.

Each time you book a member of staff from Smart Teachers, you can be confident that all the checks included in our Service and Safeguarding Guarantee have been completed.

Robust, independent processes

Our experienced safeguarding department works independently from our branches and supply staff to carry out checks in line with both DfE (Department of Education) and REC’s (Recruitment and Employment Confederation) guidelines.

REC Audited Education Accreditation

Smart Teachers was awarded REC’s gold standard in education recruitment.

REC Audited Education ensures the relevant checks are carried out when recruiting supply staff and demonstrates that we operate best practice in areas such as customer service, staff development, diversity and client management.

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Contact your local branch
If you have any safeguarding concerns about one of Smart Teachers’ teaching and support staff, please contact the appropriate local branch immediately to report the issue
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