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Looking after your mental health
Mental Health Awareness Week

We all need to look after our mental health. In the education sector the hours are long, the work can be challenging and sometimes it can feel lonely. This Mental Health Awareness Week, we wanted to share some key things you can do to look after your mental health both at home and at work. 

1. Connect and talk 

Taking time out to spend with friends and family is important and can provide perspective and space away from other life stresses. It can help to talk about how you feel with people you trust. In the workplace talking to a colleague, manager or contacting us here at Smart Teachers could help you manage how you are feeling. 

2. Be mindful 

Spending time meditating, doing yoga, pilates or other gentle exercise can all contribute to positive wellbeing. Taking 15 minutes away from screens or devices to focus on your breathing and the things around you can also be beneficial. Doing something small everyday can have a big impact to relieve feelings of anxiety. 

3. Look after you! 

Try and build in a bit of you-time into your daily routine. For example, after a busy day take a bath, read a chapter of your favourite book, spend some time outside or take a short walk. Finding outlets to relax can help top-up your energy levels and relieve stress, helping you keep a healthy mind. 

4. Ask for help 

If your mental health is suffering it can lead to feelings of loneliness, equally loneliness can impact your mental health, and those feelings make it more difficult to reach out and ask for help. Remember you are not alone, so don’t be afraid to ask for help.  

There are lots of charities and organisations that are here to help you with advice, resources and support: 


And remember, we care about our supply staff and want to ensure you are happy and healthy in your role. We are always here to help and support you if you need it. 

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