Library - Your school leadership checklist | Smart Teachers
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Your school leadership checklist

If you have a school leadership vacancy to fill, you may be wondering what it is you are looking for in a leader – what qualities should they possess? What traits make them an innovator? And how can they harness that at your school?

Whilst there are many different leadership styles, here are some core, perhaps fundamental, qualities to consider looking for to find a successful and effective leader:

  • Passion for children, teaching and learning. To take on a school leadership role, they've got to love what they do - it's got to be what gets them out of bed in the morning.
  • Courage to see things through. It's a tough ride having to tackle poor behaviour and having those difficult conversations about under-performance.
  • A collaborative approach. When you're a leader, it's no longer about you, it's about the team and the school. Involving the team and school community in decisions to bring them on the journey, is how a leader operates.
  • Confidence to listen and communicate. It's one thing to talk a lot, but it's another thing to really communicate the values, mission and vision of the school. Listening is also crucial to truly hear what others have to say.
  • Emotional intelligence. To empower others, read a room and motivate.
  • Being an outsider. The ability to view a situation or problem as if from the outside looking in, can help to find different solutions.
  • Resilience to bounce back. Life as a leader can be draining and chaotic, they'll need to be able to find inner calm during a crisis and have the strength to see it through.
  • To have a vision. How they're going to shape the school will determine what is done, how it's done and who'll come on the journey with them. It will serve as the reason why the team will follow and believe in them.

Need help recruiting someone like this? We've been recruiting for executive and leadership positions for schools, colleges and other alternative provisions since 2008, so you can rely on us and our experience to support you.

Call us today and we'll help you find the leadership your school and pupils' need. Contact your local branch today.

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